Submit Resume

  1. <em>Take the short time to fill out our form.</em> <br /><em>All available information is important for us so that we may match the perfect job opportunity for you.</em>
  2. *
  3. *
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  9. *
  10. <span class="reqtxt">Please attach or cut & paste your resume.</span>
  11. or <span class="reqtxt">*</span>
  12. Don’t have a Resume? Click <a id="build_resume_link" href="#resume-link">here</a> for a Resume Builder.
  13. <i>Upon completion, you may be contacted by Conquest Technical Associates, LLC to assist you in the next step in your career, either now or in the future.</i>
  14. <b><small>Required Fields</small></b><span class="reqtxt">*</span>